Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"You a terrible singer, mum!"

Me, just talking to record. 
That's what Milou will say the day she becomes big enough to tell the difference between who is a good singer and who is not. I am definitely a tone deaf singer. I find myself singing different notes every time I sing the same song. What is more, I can't remember the words to any kind of song - even a simple lullaby. Thank God, Milou doesn't have a concept of pitch and she is too young to know the words. However, I feel terrible whenever I hear a friend around lulling her baby to sleep with a soothing song.  I feel terrible because I fear my bonding experience with Milou would be lacking something without singing lullabies. I even once asked Zahra - mom to a- month-old baby boy - to sing a lullaby to Milou for a change. Well, knowing what's what, I am trying to find solutions to my terrible singing sessions: I have bought albums with various lullabies from all over the world. I just sing along. At other times I just make up words for my instant homemade lullabies and keep trying to make those moments irreplaceable for Milou. 

It works. 


1 comment:

  1. well, i don't know about milou, but your lullabies work fine for me: i fall asleep immediately! :)
