Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer Drinks for Iftar: Fresh Nectarines

 by Diane Herbort 

One of my ex-flatmates - more like a companion to me actually -  came to Sarajevo to visit us a couple of weeks ago. She's such a person that she has all the same colors and similar models in her wardrobe. I remember she was always stuck to some specific models with the same colours and avoided all the others. Well, she's broken a few of her shopping habits when it comes to colors and patterns since she arrived. Milou and I have played sort of ice-breakers for her and she went for the nectarine colour for the nail polish which she confessed she would never give it a try if it weren't me and Milou. I happened to find her several times looking at her nails and enjoying the colour. Anyways, when we went shopping she started to try on a variety of sandals and shoes for a change going for the ones in different colours or with different patterns most of the time. I think she loved the change. The nectarine nail polish she had put on inspired me to make some nectarine juice for iftar which was my first time with the fruit - which is thought to have originated from China, for your information.
Here are the photos. I liked the taste and the colour both. It was a great change for us too and it makes me feel really cool to be making my own juice at home. 

1 kilo nectarines
1 kilo sugar
5 litres water
2 teaspoons sour salt

1. Wash the nectarines well and slice them into halves.
2. Put them in a big saucepan and add the water. 
3. Bring to a boil over high-medium heat.
4. Keep boiling for 10 more minutes and remove from the heat.
5. Let it rest for 1 hour and drain it to another saucepan.
6. Add the sugar and bring to a boil again.
7. Keep boiling until it gets thicker.
8. Add the sour salt. Keep boiling for another 5 minutes.
9. Remove from the heat.
10.Pour into bottles and let it cool down completely and then put the lids on. 
11.Keep in the refrigerator.
12.Add some more water before you serve if it tastes too sweet.

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